Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fin!!! like forreal forreal...well not for doses but for school

Well my people's it is getting closer to that time of the year where I make my way to my home...CALIFORNIA!!! I swear im going to miss my east coast especially Clem and MrBrown...them my negro's...well i guess i can go into the doses because i looked over wednsday due to some academic issues.

So when people like something they usually get enthused about for those times when you are enthusiastic and you want to sound different here is:EBULLIENT(e-bul-lient)

and here is today's dose( for those who find themselves in situations in which there is a make or break moment to approach a love interest and your feelng a little catergorize this feeling as more than "courage" or "you being courageous" here is:STALWART(stall-wart)-this means to be strong or valiant in other words full of courage...haha...well enjoy my last dose from the east coast....stay black hand side'n and live long prosperously...

"So if im waiting for time to tell me what life has in store for me, does that make me a Watchmen?"

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