Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've noticed as I've grown older Oh how the times have changed. Things were so much easier, and I did not have a care in the world. Now times are harder, and really I have to care about everything in order to survive this harsh times. Take for instance food. When I was little I could eat just about anything and not have to worry about gaining weight, I still kept my slend figure with a hint of toning around the arms and legs, and a somewhat visible six pack. But like I said before "OH HOW THE TIMES HAVE CHANGED," now and days I get random walk bys where women decide to rubb my belly as if i was some pregnant woman who was due with twins any day now. smh! And all I can say is blame it on the Mcdoubles and the fr fre fre french Fires.

Somepeople live for the weekends. I just tryin to make it through today!!

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