Sunday, April 12, 2009

iF iT aInT oNe ThInG iT's AnOtHeR!!!

Hello fellow space u all kno its easter today and after reflecting on the significance of this day(reason for no daily dose...sorry) and chilling wit friends yours truly and MrBrown wanted to check out an old abandoned house(photo op and wat not)...As we got ready 2 make our way to the house we got stopped by a police if u can recollect to Clem's earlier post about flashy cars and the police...its the same scenario flashy car equals attention anywho the cop jus stopped us to make sure we werent doin anything illegal...all in all tho the officer was a pretty cool...he checked the abandoned house out for himself... it's jus funny how he had to run our I.D.'s even after we told him and showed him we werent up to anything illegal...but HEY!!! protocol is protocol...oh the life of a black FLUMMOXING!!!!

as it is said in the book of GeeBose...

stay black-hand side'n & live long prosperously!!!

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