Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daily Dose by Geebose

So, I'm here sitting in my second place of residence on campus other than my dorm...THE COMPUTER LAB So I'm just up to the usual business: Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and of course the blog. Now it may seem like I'm busy, but I'm really not in actuality I'm very hungry, like beyond starving and famished, and when I come across situations such as these the EUREKA lightbulb went off...Daily Dose!!!

So for those days when you are extremely is: VORACIOUS-(vaw-rey-shus)-this means your extremely hungry... exceedingly starvation... so I'm pretty sure you will be hitting the nail on the head when you use this...

Well like any other day i say...

Stay Black-Hand Side'n & Live Long Prosprously

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