Monday, November 17, 2008

Basically What I got in Mind

The faint perception of artist in times such as these is left to the distribution of the green leaf which often more than not becomes the constant persuit of the heart. the desire of the paper back, leaves man watered down and empty, eventually conforming him to the absent mindness or for dumber words, SAMENESS. When in reality what is or what was the outcome of this creation. What is truely left in the nothing more than a bunch of people in little boxes that all look the same. We are surrounded by doctors and lawyers and business excecutives but really inside we are made of ticky tacky and we are all the same. The pursiut of money is nothing more than mans attempt to completely manipulate society into signing over their lives to be placed into a toilet bowl, and once that lever is pushed every single hope and dream is emediately drained out of the once beautiful minds. The only thing left is the in the end is the flat green leaf, the destroyer of mankind. BY: "THE THIRD"

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